Today, the halflings. Though I have loved having the halfling warders Sandy Garrity did for me, I have been wanting some militia types as well. When Rod Campbell showed me some pics of a few halflings he had randomly done up, I jumped at the chance to get them and have him do more. The militia infantry pack will have 9 unique sculpts, including slingers, farm weapons, and a leader. The cavalry will have three poses and choice of pig or pony mounts.
Militia Infantry |
Miltia Cavalry on Pigs |
Militia Cavalry on Ponies |
Excellent. I like the concept of halflings as militia. I converted some old 28mm Grendaier halflings to be me militia men.
Do you think these could work well if mixed with 1/72 figs? How tall are they?
I am thinking these would be too small for 1/72. I think they stand 10mm and are proportioned well for 15mm.
How do these match up in size with your older halfings?
I need to doublecheck but I think they are dead on size wise.
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